Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Defenseless Torah Turtles When baby sea turtles hatch, they are vulnerable as they make their way from their hidden nest on the beach to the safety of the sea. Birds, crabs and other predators know it, and have no trouble picking up a quick meal, as many of the baby sea turtles are attacked and eaten before they reach the living waters of the sea. Animal Attack! Baby Sea Turtles (video) As Christian believers (baby Torah turtles) wake up (hatch from their shells) leave the comfort of their warm and cozy church pew (nest) and run towards the sea (Torah) on a journey that will bring them closer to יהוה their Heavenly Father and Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah ... they risk being ambushed by predators (Name Nazzis, Torah Terrorists, Pagan Police, Anti-Missionaries) who never paid any attention to these Christian believers (baby Torah turtles) until their eyes were opened and they started their journey towards the sea (Torah) which is The Way, the straight and narrow path to first century Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith. Even though the baby Torah turtles have armor (breastplate of faith, love, righteousness and as a helmet the hope of salvation) they are not mature in their knowledge of the Torah, Prophets and Writings of the Tanakh (Old Testament) so they are vulnerable to lies and deception and are like Defenseless Torah Turtles. Sadly, I have witnessed online friends who hatched from their shells around the same time as I did and were running alongside of myself and others towards the sea (Torah) but they were distracted and confused by predators who put stumbling blocks in their way like flat earth or non-scriptural calendars (lunar sabbath, enoch solar calendar, full moon calendar) or anti-Yeshua teachings. Therefore, the unfortunate ones either went back to catholic-based doctrines and traditions of Christianity, or they were lured into takanot and ma'asim of Orthodox Judaism where they eventually denied Yeshua (Jesus) The Messiah, or they gave up completely becoming either agnostic or atheist. To protect new believers from the predators I mentioned above, those of us who have been on this journey for a while need to stand up and make ourselves available to these believers who are just starting their journey to learn about their Hebrew Roots. We need to be as guides to help them avoid Religious Traps in the Messianic Faith and do our best to make sure they're allowed safe passage to the living waters of the Word, the Torah, where they can receive the nourishment they need and move on to maturity in the Hebrew roots / Hebraic roots ( Messianic / Nazarene / Netzarim) faith once delivered to the saints. One way I make myself available to new believers is through facebook notes where I have tried to document my Journey from A to Zebra and Beyond Textbooks from january 2010 until today, and the answers to my questions along the way, which seem to be similar to the questions of many believers who are just beginning their journey. I recommend these two facebook notes to anyone who is new to Hebrew Roots and doesn't know where to start: Hebrew Roots of the Christian Faith and Hebrew Roots - Getting Started -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hebrew Roots Help Desk Shining the Light, Sharing the Word, Showing THE WAY on the World Wide Web, the Internet Super Highway that enables us to take the true gospel of the kingdom to the whole world! We enjoy Searching, Testing, Collecting, Sorting and Sharing Biblical Teachings, Live Broadcasts, Feast Events, Fellowship Finders and Israel Tours by Ministries we trust with Torah observant believers and followers of THE WAY, The Truth and The Life of Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah) in the world-wide, Messianic, Hebrew Roots Community. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "May YeHoVaH lead us, guide us, walk beside us and give us eyes to see and ears to hear His Truth." - Chris W. Clark [Return to My Journey from A to Zebra and Beyond Textbooks] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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